Following his tutoring experience in Montreal, he faced 2 main problems:
Tutoring GGEM is a non-profit organization that wishes to participate intensively in the construction of a more pro-active world and of a generation of scientists aware of the challenges facing the world (health, climate, energy, technology, etc. ).
It thus wants not only to arouse in as many young people as possible a passion for science and engineering, but also to contribute to as many people as possible in order to propel them in the achievement of their objectives.
Still called " Help with homework », the tutor helps his learner to better understand the notions explored in class, to do his homework, to stimulate his understanding while each time drawing parallels with the everyday world. The final objective is to make the student autonomous by showing him the techniques that will serve him for life.
Nos tuteurs peuvent également être des mentors pour leurs étudiants en les guidant et en les conseillant sur les futures opportunités de carrière en ingénierie et en science. En effet, une de nos valeurs fondamentales consiste à encourager les étudiants à devenir la meilleure version d’eux-mêmes et à bâtir une société plus forte.
N’attendez pas, devenez tuteur dès aujourd’hui et commencez à faire la différence dans votre communauté !